
Views are a low-cost component of Pinatra with almost no performance penalty, using PHP itself as a template engine.


Before using the view component, we need to create a new folder as the root of the view files and define a constant to pass this information.

New folder

Create a new folder views as the same level as public.

Tell Pinatra

Add the following line of code to public/index.php:

Define('VIEW_BASE_PATH', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/views/');

Creating a view file

Create a views/home.php file with the following code:

echo $title.'<br>';
echo $home_page;

Calling a view and passing in parameters

Whether in a closure or in a controller method, you can simply call the view with the following statement:

get('/', function() {
  return view('home')->withTitle('Pinatra')
class HomeController
  public function home()
    return view('home')->withTitle('Pinatra')

Visit the right URL and you will get the following page:



view() receives a string as a file path that supports the use of multi-level subfolders, separated by / or ., such as admin/home or admin.home.

Way of passing parameters


view('home')->with('title', 'Piantra'); // $title == 'Pinatra'

All functions starting with with

view('home')->withTitle('Piantra'); // $title == 'Pinatra'
view('home')->withtitle('Piantra'); // $title == 'Pinatra'
view('home')->withHomePage('Piantra'); // $home_page == 'Pinatra'

withSomeThing() will be translated from camelCase to snake_case when injected into a view.


The call to the view must use the return view() statement.

Last Updated: 9/6/2018, 5:42:56 PM