
Pinatra's routing is simple and powerful, with 100% coverage testing and quality assurance.

Getting start

We use one of the easiest routes to get the home page as an example:

get('/', function() {
  echo "GET /";

Avaliable HTTP mothods

Pinatra supports GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE OPTIONS HEAD several routing methods, the usage is very simple:

get('/', function() {
  echo "GET /";

post('/', function() {
  echo "POST /";

put('/', function() {
  echo "PUT /";

patch('/', function() {
  echo "PATCH /";

delete('/', function() {
  echo "DELETE /";

options('/', function() {
  echo "OPTIONS /";

head('/', function() {
  header('custom-header: hello Pinatra!');


The first route that matches the request will be invoked.

Response Type

Pinatra routing supports both closures and controller@methods. as follows:


get('/', function() {
  echo "GET /";


get('/', 'HomeController@home');

This type of response requires a combination of namespaces, autoloading, etc. See Controller for details.

Routing Parameter

{param} can be adapted to any URL legal string except / ? #.

Multiple usage shows

Single element matching

get('{a}', function($a) {
  echo "GET /".$a; // GET /foo
get('hi/{a}', function($a) {
  echo "GET /hi".$a; // GET /hi/foo
get('{a}/hi', function($a) {
  echo "GET /".$a.'/hi'; // GET /foo/hi

Multi-element matching

get('{a}/{b}', function($a, $b) {
  echo "GET /".$a.'/'.$b; // GET /foo/bar
get('{a}/hi/{b}', function($a, $b) {
  echo "GET /".$a.'/hi/'.$b; // GET /foo/hi/bar


  1. The param word in {param} can be arbitrary, even using an empty string directly, regardless of the parameter naming in the callback function.
  2. The system will assign values ​​in order of parameters.
  3. If the response parameter in response to the closure or response controller is more than the number of {param} in the route, the extra required parameter will be assigned the value NULL. Optional parameters with default values ​​are not affected.

Other features

  1. The first / is optional and does not affect system functionality.
get('/', $response) and get('', $response) have the same function
get('/hi', $response) and get('hi', $response) have the same function
Last Updated: 9/6/2018, 4:36:09 PM